Listening to: Eve cackling while watching a British comedian…
Reading: Choke – Chuck Palahniuk

ThreadBound 2.0 was approved last week and is now available  along with the free FUBAR detector from NeverBored. It’s kinda funny that I’m now working on iPhone games and don’t actually own the device, but I make do. Ryan has one that I can steal. ^_^ And as ridiculous as I can be at times, I did not actually cover Morgan in honey… pity. For those who are not familiar with the game, Captain Morgan is dressed as a stick bug named ‘Stickler” and I am sporting a “Spindle” the Spider outfit. Eve is not impressed.

Not much to report this week other than I’m working on some GDPG promo prints to give out at PAX and have been posting updates and a couple progress pictures on the forums. When I’m not working on one of the billion jobs and tasks I’ve committed myself to right now, Eve and I have been watching Cowboy Beebop. I’ve really slowed down with watching anime in my adulthood (yes I was one of those kids), but this show is awesome. If your interested, check out this AMV featuring a great song by Jim’s Big Ego called ‘Stress’.

Mini road trip tomorrow to visit the fam, be back Saturday night.
