So, World of Warcraft has made a comeback in our house… Eve installed it for ‘casual play’. Pfff, as if there is such a thing. Though the R (raiding) word hasn’t be discussed, so for now we continue to have lives. But I did sneak a couple minutes on Eve’s Paladin this morning. >_<

After talking with Eve about the next expansion I’m somewhat torn; on the one hand they are reworking the world and cleaning up confusing gear/talent issues. But I also can’t help but wonder if Blizzard is trying to make too many people happy with the changes their making, though only time can tell. Two new races added too… the female goblins are freaking me out. My vote still goes for Murlocs!


In other news, I destroyed my living room… well only kinda. I’ve been multi-tasking between work and cosplay, and this is the mid craft-session result. We still have a bunch of work to do before we leave for PAX next week *excited*.

Two character Bio’s are finally almost ready to go up, geez took me long enough.
